1st co-innovation event – Kuusamo, Finland


The serene ambiance and crisp air of Finland acted as the spark for boundless creativity during the first co-innovation event of the LookUP project. Held on December 12th and 13th, 2023, in Kuusamo, Finland, this event kickstarted a transformative collaboration poised to reshape the trajectories of the involved enterprises. However, this gathering surpassed the realms of conventional business connections; it served as a forum for collective learning, idea exchange, and the pursuit of innovative solutions. The potential that this collaboration holds has us brimming with excitement.

Over two days, more than 60 Finnish, Romanian, and Spanish SMEs worked together to promote sustainable, digital, and resilient transformation within the tourism sector. This transnational collaboration holds the promise of significant industry changes.

The first day in Kuusamo brought together entrepreneurs and innovators from these three different countries, sharing groundbreaking ideas with a focus on better, more sustainable tourism. The afternoon immersed us in local activities, exploring the snow-covered forests of the region and getting to know local businesses.

The second day was marked by an intense morning, a brainstorming session where creativity flowed among industry colleagues. We supported each other, strengthening our approaches. The day culminated in an afternoon of activities in the snow, in unique accommodations, and, of course, amidst contagious laughter.

Over two intensive days of work, challenges and opportunities were explored to meet the needs of each business. How to create year-round offerings and reduce seasonality? How to collaborate with other destination services to provide quality experiences? How to engage and train staff? How to retain guests, diversify the customer base and sales channels? How to adopt digital technology and differentiate in a competitive global market?

A special thanks to Naturpolis for hosting this dynamic meeting. We also express our gratitude to our partners, including Barrabés.biz, B.Link, Naturpolis, Zrc Sazu, Asociatia Judeteana of Turism Sibiu, and Quantitas Srl, for being integral parts of this incredible journey.

This co-innovation event of the LookUP Project in Kuusamo, Finland, has been an enriching experience. Each participant took away fresh ideas and new insights to address these challenges, integrating them into their business plans to bring positive change to the global tourism industry. Let’s go for it!