LookUP KICK-OFF – 10 & 11 of January 2023 in Slovenia, Ljubljana

The LookUP project, a new and exciting initiative to drive the tourism sector towards sustainability, resilience, and digitization, kicked off with a meeting in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on January 10 and 11, 2023. The meeting, hosted by ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, brought together European partners including Barrabés.biz, B.Link Barcelona Strategic Projects, Naturpolis Oy, Quantitas srl, Juntaex.es, and SIBIU-turism.ro.
The LookUP project aims to rediscover the value of the sky as a destination and highlight its significance in sustainable tourism practices. The project’s central theme is sustainability, and it seeks to promote a green and digital transition and a resilient tourism ecosystem in rural destinations in Europe.
During the kick-off meeting, partners discussed project goals and activities, including how to integrate local communities into tourism activities, respect the natural environment, and contribute to the triple transition of the tourism SMEs (digitalisation, sustainability and resilience) to boost the economic development of the regions. The project aims to be an example of how tourism can be both environmentally sustainable and economically viable, contributing to the well-being of local communities while preserving natural resources.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity for partners to exchange ideas and establish a common ground for collaboration. The project is expected to challenge partners and create new opportunities for the development of sustainable tourism practices in rural destinations in Europe.
The LookUP project’s kick-off meeting concluded successfully, with partners committed to working together to achieve project goals and objectives. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting initiative, which promises to transform the tourism sector and promote sustainable tourism practices.