Junta de Extremadura presents the book of good practices

Last 21st of May, the Junta de Extremadura, partner of LookUP project, organized an exclusive online event to introduce the Triple Transition for Tourism Playbook with best practices in sustainability, resilience, and digitalization in the tourism sector, called Manual para la triple transición en el turismo.
The book, designed as a manual, targets companies and entrepreneurs interested in methods to integrate sustainability, digitalization, and resilience into their practices. It’s structured around these three pillars, starting with definitions of each concept, followed by descriptions of their implementation methods and their contributions to business. Moreover, the book showcases examples of how sustainability, digitalization, and resilience are put into action in the four EU countries where the project partners are based.
Furthermore, during the session, a collaborative dynamic was held, where other experiences and initiatives linked to sustainability, resilience, and digitalization in the tourism sector were shared. Various stakeholders from the Extremadura tourism sector, including entrepreneurs, business associations, tourism offices, and representatives from Grupos de Acción Local, participated along with members from other general directors of the Junta de Extremadura, all working across sectors to enhance tourism sustainably.